Meghana Iyer


Multi-Channel Audio and Visual Projection

Disintegrate is an installation-based work about the impact of
disassociation; more specifically about the feelings of
depersonalization/derealization. As individuals, our perceived realities
differ from one another. Our individual experiences greatly influence and
change our constructs. Oftentimes, many people will push aside the more
burdensome emotions of life, but the long-term effects of this can be
detrimental. Depersonalization/derealization affects millions of people,
yet many are unaware of its presence. Viewers will be immersed in an
environment surrounded by familiar visuals and sounds, yet everything will
be distorted to emulate how one may feel when experiencing the effects of
depersonalization/derealization. While solely in this space, viewers may feel
as though they are disintegrating and unable to perceive the reality they
are in.